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Richard Nance
Choral Music / Conductor and Composer
Thank you for visiting! This website is under construction - please check back in fall of 2022! In the meantime, most of my music can be found on and Audio files are available on SoundCloud.

Meet Richard
Welcome to my website! I am a professional choral musician with over forty years of experience conducting collegiate, community, church and public school choirs. I have written numerous original choral works and arrangements that are featured on this site. Many are published by Walton Music, Colla Voce Music and Hinshaw Music, and there are other self-published works that I hope you will explore. To find out more about me, click on the button below!
Latest News
March 3, 2020
Great news! Walton Music will be releasing several new works in my series this spring and in the fall. Spring releases include my Light from Above and Daniel Knaggs' Psalm 117, an exciting and uplifting work composed for the choir of Trinity College, Cambridge (Stephen Layton, conductor). In the fall, Walton will release Austin Schend's To Achieve Thine Ends, Jason Michael Saunders' Terrai maris et caeli, and my newest work, In profundum maris, with text by my dear friend Kathryn Sparks. Perhaps most exciting, in the fall Walton will also be publishing my Mass for a New Millennium in its entirety!
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